Welcome to the Sydney Torana Club



Copy of STC1

WE  CELEBRATED 25 YEARS IN 2015 Now we’re looking forward to the next 25 years.


G’day Sydney Torana Club Members & Guests

Welcome to the Sydney Torana Club website. It features great information on club activities, all the latest club run reports and club member news. Members cars and projects plus lots more. Look around – we hope you enjoy the site.


Next meeting 14th May 2024

7:00pm Danny`s cafe 2 Slough ave silverwater.


⇒Google Map⇐ 


Club Run 19th May 2024:

Meet at Windsor Macca’s-Windsor Road Vineyard at 8:15am for an 8:45am departure. Travel to
Indy 800 Go Karts- Butterfly Farm, 446 Wilberforce Rd, 

Lunch: Clarendon Tavern, 244 Hawkesbury Valley Way. Arriving at approx 12:00pm-12:30pm.

⇒Google Map⇐







NOTE: If the weather is terrible we will still meet at the advertised time. We will work out an alternate dry venue (Bowling and pub lunch for example).

The C and H plate Club rego schemes:

The Sydney Torana Club participates in both the H plate and now the new CVS registration schemes. These schemes provide drastically reduced registration and green slip fees.

Should you wish register your vehicle on either scheme the process is simple and fuss free.First and foremost you must be a member of the  Sydney Torana Club. The club accepts any make or marque to utilise the scheme provided they were manufactured over 30 years ago. To move onto either scheme you must obtain a blue slip even if the car in question has full NSW rego.

Our Plate registrar is Alan. He will advise you which scheme you will be required to use subject to what (if any) modifications are fitted to your car. He will be able to answer any questions regarding either scheme and help you to get your car onto the appropriate one (scheme). please email the club sydneytoranaclub@outlook.com for further info.

What are the limitations?

You get 60 days of use when ever and where ever you want to go. (be aware limits to where and how you drive may be imposed by your current insurer).

The definition of 1 day is 12.01am to 11.59pm that day. Entries must be logged before the car is driven and must be in ink.

It is expected that members using the scheme use it in the spirit it was intended. As such there is an expectation owners of H and C plated vehicles become involved with the club and attend events.



STC 4 and 5 November 2023 weekend run to the Hunter Valley


With the forecast for rain most of the weekend for the Hunter Region, most of the STC family that were coming on the weekend run met up at McDonalds Windsor and soon headed north on our way to Grey Gums Cafe at Putty. https://greyguminternationalcafe.com

We stopped for coffee, cakes, a bite to eat and a chat and headed off further north on a leisurely drive through some typically picturesque Aussie bush to our lunch destination at the Bulga Tavern. http://www.bulgatavern.com.au

On arrival, we were greeted by more of our STC family that had travelled down from Taree and Old Bar. Over a lovely lunch we all had a few laughs and good catch up before we headed off to Singleton for a quick visit to the Australian Army & Infantry Museum in Singleton. https://www.army.gov.au/…/australian-army-infantry-museum

We arrived at our accommodation at the Hunter Valley Retreat around 330pm, unpacked , got comfortable and kicked back to great conversation, nibblies, drinks and music. Dinner comprised of a succulent meal of Chinese and Thai and lots of laughs and fun antics that went into the small hours of the evening…10.30pm to be exact. What happens on these runs STAYS on these runs they kept telling me!

Next morning it was off to the Hunter Valley Gardens for a big hearty breakfast at the https://www.tasteofthecountry.com.au/our-cafe/

Awesome atmosphere, superb food and great old fashioned service over a relaxed big country breakfast. The rain had well and truly set in by the time breakfast was done but it didn’t dampen the fun we’d all had on what was a great weekend!

A big thank you to Tina and Tony for organising the run and all the others who assisted. And a big thank you to the STC family for your ongoing support including coming along on these Runs. You are what makes our club a success! thanks Franklin

Zigzag railway run


Top points for the Zigzag railway run today. Good turn out of members and cars with purfect running weather for them. Great run up but a few blue and reds 🚔 spotted along the route, some nice scenic views from the train (however it did lack a bit of HP, a HB might have even given it a run for its money 😆) but there’s nothing like the sight, smell and sounds of a steam train. Then onto Katoomba rissole for lunch. A running repair to 1 car in the car park prior to heading home was the only hiccup for the day. Good stuff from the members that spotted and assisted with problem to get the owners back home safely. Great day out for October’s run. Soz…no car pics 🙄 today it’s all about the ZIGZAG

Thanks Donnah🚂